I’m not going to do much for a game recap after the 9-6 loss to Texas A&M Saturday night but I do want to hit on the subject of Bo Pelini and his temper. First off, you can’t explode on your player like that on the sideline. You know damn well that the cameras are on you in the middle of every play do to your reactions. That butt chewing should have happened in the locker room, I don’t care what was said or what was done. Certain things just need to be taken care of behind closed doors.

We all know Bo has a temper but things are not going to change in the next two games. Refs know he has a temper, they know Eric Martin lays guys out on kickoffs. It’s time scale things back a notch and play smarter. Even if a hit is legal, with what has happened in the past the refs are going to have their hand on their flag during every play and all it takes it one little thing and that yellow bean bag will be being tossed towards a Nebraska player. Enough of the crying, that’s just going to be how it is.

Bo might have taken the first step in calming things down Sunday night when rumors started to fly around that Taylor Martinez was quitting the team. For a good three hours these rumors were being spread around blogs, twitter and facebook. Finally things were put to rest when Bo told the Omaha World Herald that Taylor is still part of the team and Taylor’s high school coach said that he has just spoken to him and he did not quit the team. It’s time for both parties to calm down, grow up and act better. It’s what the players need and it’s best for the team.

It will be a short week of practice as Colorado comes into Lincoln for a game on Friday. Win this one, and you are right back in the Big 12 Championship which is the number one goal for this team. Forget about the A&M game, it’s time to beat those buffaloes and look forward to Dallas.

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6 Responses to “Bo needs to take a chill pill”

  1. Bo needs to take a chill pill - Nebraska Sports Blog Says:

    [...] Bo needs to take a chill pill [...]

  2. Tom Christensen Says:

    I think Bo needs to control his temper also, but when you are watching the officials cheating in order to let the other team win and you know there is nothing you can do about it you start to get angry. Tom Osbourne should file a grievence with the Big 12 not that it would do any good but the media would pick up on it and expose Bebe for what he is. Also Mike Sherman should be embarrassed, he should have told the officials that he doesn’t want to win a game like that. Pathetic.

  3. Jonathan Says:

    The loss clearly falls on BO!! What a total distraction to a great football program. Did anybody ever think if Bo would have kept his cool that they would have had less calls against the Huskers. I hope the NCAA brings fines on Bo and his brother for there sideline performances. Tom should fire Bo and bring back the respect the program deserves. They lost a fan in with this performance good riddens enjoy the Big 10 the Big 12 does not want any whiners!!!

  4. Tom Christensen Says:

    Oh Jonathan you’re telling me you could have been calm while watching your team get cheated out of a win. I like Pelini’s fire, but I do agree he took it too far this time. The programs respect is back and firing Bo would set the Huskers back another 5 to 10 years. I do think T.O. needs to talk with Bo and settle him down a bit. If they lost you as a fan Saturday, you weren’t a fan to begin with. Sorry that’s just my take on it. Hope you have a great 2011 rooting for Texas.

  5. Dave Says:

    I think Bo is an embarassment. there is no excuse and he is not likly to change.

  6. Kathy Says:

    Bo might have gone too far but there were plays that were wrong, not only this game.
    If they were to fire Bo Nebraska would be out of any running for a long time, probably more than 10 years. They don’t really have a good record on hiring coaches, look at the last two. The refs need to looked at. I’ve always said Nebraska has to play against the team and the refs.

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